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Genomics can help alleviate some of issues that agriculture faces in the world today. It can help prevent factors such as pesticides, diseases, and floods by making foods more resistant to such external factors. It can help increase food production and to increase the nutritional value in our diets. It can help produce healthy herds with increased resistivity to disease and it can help with stress tolerance factors present in aquatic organisms.

Citations 8.1 - 8.3

The use of DNA sequencing has made it possible for us to look into the genetic variations that are present in diagnosis of plants and animals so that we are able to promote the growth of the fittest and healthiest species. Whether for use in plant biology or the commercial development of food supplies, there is a range of DNA sequencing techniques utilized to bring aid to the agricultural field. Some of these technologies include whole-genome sequencing, resequencing, RNA Seq, and ChIP Seq. Nabsys is a biotechnological platform which specializes in semiconductor base tools to obtain information regarding sequence location and identity. The data collected are all long reads which serves its function as a database from which short reads are sequenced and consequently analyzed. In some instances, bacterial artificial chromosomes are also sequenced which helps in the identification or mapping of the diseases that some of these species can cause to plants.  

Exploring the Depths of Life








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